Emily Brockhoff


We are digging deep into the soil of the valley as we homestead and home educate our children. Here in this space, I examine the times and circumstances we find ourselves living.

The pressing question is: How will this impact my children and my children’s children?

Read my most recent articles by clicking the title image below or keep scrolling to select fan-favorites:


Way of Faith

Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. Jeremiah 6:16

As I walk this path I cannot see but yet am certain of, I try to light my way with the Truth of God’s Unchanging Word. I want to live, and know, and experience this Faith with my whole body, my whole life.

I try to capture here what the working out of that faith looks like in my mind and with my hands:  

Addressing Culture

As limited creatures, we cannot speak to every event, every crisis, every topic. However, media — and those voices they prefer — generate needless fear, anxiety, and division by pressing certain topics. It is to those topics that I address. Additionally, I like discussing books! So I do that here, as well.


Home Education

What is the chief end of education? And how do you get there?

These thoughts and other I explore along with the educational philosophies and practices of Charlotte Mason and classical christian education. Some of my favorite posts on the subject are:  


We sold our home on the mountain and moved to the valley— it’s the life I’ve always dreamed of for our children. The barn is in ruins, and there isn’t a house— but we’re looking forward to building. There’s grass and weeds, thistles and trees— and joy in the work when we find it. We’re taking new chances and forming new habits— it’s moment by moment progress.



I like to send out updates on my newest posts along with free downloads of content I find relevant, helpful, and inspiring. Also, perhaps, some current events that pique my curiosity.


You’ve got questions? Maybe I’ve got answers. Contact me here and we’ll find out.
