Addressing Culture
"I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will." ― Charlotte Brontë, "Jane Eyre"
But whether they do or do not exist is not the question. The question is why and how might the government utilize the alien narrative — if they utilize it at all.
I am not promoting a particular doctrine, nor am I providing a comprehensive look at either the history or the doctrines associated with this topic. Instead, I will consider the current conflict and the history that brought us to this point and then examine the three church positions on the relationship between Israel and the Church. Once we identify the three accepted positions, we are better suited to interpret the current event.
Controlling the weather seems like such a futuristic endeavor that the idea we are actively modifying our weather right now and have for over the past 70 years seems too much to comprehend. Never mind that the history and use of weather modification — often referred to as cloud seeding — is detailed on government websites.
Sharon McMahon, from Sharon Says So, claims that the "least of theses" mentioned in Matthew 25 are children. But is that what the Bible teaches?