Emily Brockhoff

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Growing Pomegranates in El Paso, Texas

While pomegranates might seem like an exotic fruit, El Paso has the climate and conditions to make these guys a backyard treat.

One Saturday we were strolling through the Downtown Arts and Farmers Market when my dad saw a pomegranate vendor. His initial thoughts included enjoying a pomegranate or two with the family. But they were not selling pomegranates. Oh no, they were selling pomegranate trees

And as it was April, they encouraged us to visit their nursery in OCTOBER for two reasons:

  • Pomegranates are harvested in October.

  • October is an excellent planting month ( so if we wanted to pick up a few trees, October would be the time to plant)

Come October, we found ourselves driving out to Turnillo, TX to pick ourselves us some pomegranate trees from Marcelino Nursery.  Marcelino Nursery is self described as:

specializ[ing] in drought resistant crops for the Greater El Paso area. Marcelino Nursery has quickly grown to become the authority in Pomegranates for Texas. With over 50 years of experience in Agriculture, Marcelino Nursery can provide consulting services to assist you in developing any tracts of land for growing pomegranates.

Marcelino himself took us around his nursery and taught us how to best care for the trees. While the trees may bear some fruit the first year of being planted, it takes a couple of years for them to mature and yield a full harvest. 






 Address: 19271 Highland St. Tornillo, Texas 79853

Phone Number: (915)491-7684

Manager: Jerry Toca

Email: MarcelinoNursery@gmail.com

See this map in the original post

what about you? will you be growing some pomegranates?